5 Things You Need to Know About Melatonin

Sleep problems can come from a myriad of things, from changes in routine to traveling. And just as diverse, sleep deprivation can affect a wide range of day-to-day activities, such as diet, working, thinking, reacting, learning and your mood. But for something that can arise from a myriad of changes, it’s hard to make the leap to taking prescription medication. Many opt to try natural sources for sleep aid. One of which is melatonin, which is a natural supplement.

There’s no one size fits all

Melatonin has several uses, from Alzheimer’s disease to skin sun damage, so knowing the right dosage for what ails you is important since it can change from case to case. There’s no one size fits all when it comes to any dosage and melatonin is a prime example of that. For general sleep problems in adults, dosage is between 0.3 to 10 milligrams taken by the mouth.

More doesn’t mean better

Something even more important to understand is that higher dosages do not mean better sleep – in fact the opposite is true. As this article points out, taking too much melatonin at once can cause:

  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Dizziness
  • Irritability

Which can negatively impact your sleep! If you’re using melatonin for insomnia or occasional sleeplessness and haven’t taken it before, start with a low dosage and then increase it as needed.

Don’t take right before bed

Many people reach for help when they need it most – after struggling to fall asleep, they naturally want their sleep aid to kick in immediately. But it takes time for your body to absorb and you can expect it to take about an hour before you sail off to dreamland. So, if you’ve been experiencing sleep problems, you should aim to take your sleep aid about an hour or two prior to when you want to fall asleep.

Melatonin dosage for children

Some doctors will prescribe melatonin for kids with ADHD, autism and other neurodevelopmental disorders. Many parents may be hesitant to give their children melatonin but there’s evidence that low doses of melatonin appears to be both safe and effective. However, it has only been shown to help kids fall asleep but not necessarily stay asleep. So if your child is experiencing sleep problems, you may want to investigate some other behavioral interventions before reaching for the melatonin. And anytime you have concerns, it’s important to discuss them with your doctor first.

Don’t use for long-term sleep issues

Remember though, melatonin is a natural sleep aid that is produced in the pineal gland in the brain and is effective with short-term sleep problems. Because melatonin eases circadian rhythm disorders it’s great for things like jet-lag, shift work, changes in routine, and delayed sleep phase disorders. That said, melatonin hasn’t been proven to effectively treat insomnia or improving long-term sleep issues.

Melatonin has many safe and effective uses, and is a great, natural source to help with sleep issues. Our Sleep Renew is a natural formulation designed to help you fall asleep faster, rest peacefully and wake up ready to embrace the day without any grogginess. What’s more, it’s a 100 percent plant-based, 100 percent GMO free, produced without wheat and gluten, and contains no artificial dyes, coloring or chemicals.

Don’t let synthetic and modified supplements keep you up – sleep right with all natural Sleep Renew.

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