8 Ingredients to Ease Seasonal Joint Pain 

For many of us, spring has officially sprung and the last thing you want to think of is losing the spring in your step. Unfortunately, for many the spring season means joint pain. Along with the onslaught of allergies, many people experience inflammation as their body tries to flush out allergens. Add to that fact that allergies often have people feeling fatigued, which only makes joint pain feel worse. Mitigate seasonal joint pain with the vitamins to ensure you’re feeling your best for one of the best seasons. Our JOINT RENEW has the natural vitamin for joint pain relief and joint support. Here’s a quick break down of the ingredients we use that help reduce joint pain:

  1. Glucosamine

Glucosamine is a major component of joint cartilage that is often derived from either shells of shellfish or from vegetable sources. For instance, all Revivify products are vegan and the glucosamine in Revivify’s Joint Renew comes from algae, an excellent alternative resource. Glucosamine helps lubricate joints and because it helps cartilage retain water, it also helps prevent cartilage breaking down. It’s also been shown to relieve osteoarthritis pain and improve joint mobility. While trial results are a bit mixed, it does appear to reduce pain and improve function in osteoarthritis.  Read more about glucosamine for arthritis here.

  1. Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) 

Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), is found in plants, animals and humans. MSM is a chemical used for many things related to joints, including chronic pain, osteoarthritis, joint inflammation, rheumatoid arthritisosteoporosisbursitistendonitis, tenosynovitis, musculoskeletal pain, muscle cramps, allergy relief and much more. It can be used in either pill form or can be applied directly to skin for chronic pain. MSM can be particularly good if you suffer from allergies as it has been shown to alleviate allergy symptoms. Here’s some great information about MSM and the research around it.

  1. Boswellia serrata gum extract

This extract has been shown to improve both pain and function for osteoarthritis of the knee. Additionally, boswellia has been shown to help chronic inflammatory diseases including rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Traditionally, boswellia serrata was used in Ayurveda for arthritis relief and still today, modern medicine and pharmacology recommend it for arthritic relief and anti-inflammatory uses. Learn more about this ancient herb here.

  1. Ginger Root (Zingiber Officinale)

The more familiar, ginger root is well-known as a powerful anti-inflammatory herb. With recent interest in its use for joint problems, it should be no surprise to see this in our JOINT RENEW supplement. Ginger root has been shown to help alleviate arthritis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, to ease tendonitis among many other ailments. Read more about this powerful herb here.

  1. DHA

Simply put, DHA is an omega-3 fatty acid found in cold-water, fatty fish. There are vegetarian sources as well, which is what we use in JOINT RENEW. DHA is an all-around great supplement to take, both for your brain and your heart. But beyond that, this acid also helps reduce inflammation associated with arthritis. Although you can certainly get DHA from food, individuals in the Western world rarely get enough through their diet, so it’s a definite perk to have in your supplements. Here’s a great article about DHA.

  1. Turmeric

This bright yellow herb is well known for it’s uses in curry, and even more recently, Turmeric Lattes. But more than it’s bright color, it is well-known to lower inflammation. Turmeric has a long history in both Ayurvedic and Chinese medicines, especially for its use as an anti-inflammatory. Tumeric contains a powerful antioxidant called curcumin which has shown to lower levels of two enzymes in the body that cause inflammation. Learn more about this herb and it’s vast history here.

  1. Hyaluronic acid sodium

Hyaluronic acid sodium lubricates joints and is often used in treating knee pain, especially with osteoarthritis patients who have experienced chronic knee and joint pain. It’s been shown to provide relief because it recovers the viscoelasticity of the articular fluid which in turn encourages new production from synovial fluid. Overall, hyaluronic acid should improve and relieve joint pain by increasing fluid and creating smoother movement for the joint.

  1. Willow bark

Willow bark goes back several centuries ago in both China and Europe and is still used today for the treatment of pain and inflammatory conditions like tendinitis and bursitis. Because willow bark contains salicin, which is similar to aspirin in that it helps relieve joint pain and helps reduce inflammation that can cause joint pain. That said there are several other components in willow bark that have antioxidant, fever-reducing, antiseptic and immune-boosting properties that may also help with issues along with joint pain.

Other ways to combat seasonal joint pain

Besides the right supplement, you can also make steps to help fend off joint pain. To start with, having the right shoes that are flat and flexible can reduce the force on knee joints and can greatly reduce pain from osteoarthritis in the knee. Look for sneakers that are flexible and have a strong arch support.

Another way to mitigate season joint pain is applying either heat or cold to the area. Heat can relax muscles and increase blood flow to the area. To use heat, apply heating pads, warm compresses or take a warm bath. Do this for two or three times a day for at least 15 minutes at a time.

Cold, on the other hand, can reduce swelling and inflammation by forcing the blood vessels to contract. To use, apply cold packs or frozen vegetable packs two to four times a day for 15 minutes until the pain and swelling has subsided.

Not sure whether to go hot or cold? Heat has been reported to work better with osteoarthritis pain whereas cold works well with swollen injuries such as sprains, pulled muscles or ligaments and severe muscle strains.

Read more about these and other ideas for arthritis pain and pain management here.

Combining some home remedies along with the right supplement will help you get ahead of seasonal joint pain. Spring is one of the best seasons to enjoy moving outside – don’t let the opportunity pass you because of joint pain. Prepare your joints today with all-natural supplements. Our powerful blend of these seven ingredients is one of the best ways to fend off seasonal joint pain. Don’t waste another moment though – like most supplements, it may take up to a month to notice its effect.

After trying out the multivitamin and seeing that it helps, I was willing to try the Joint renew to help with a pain in my shoulder. The first 4 days or so I didn’t notice a difference but on the 5th day the pain was gone! I recommend these products to anyone that is looking for real health results.

Sam H.
Multivitamin and Joint Renew

About Revivify
We traveled the world to find the cleanest, unmodified ingredients and developed a truly natural line of vitamins and supplements. Revivify is the only supplement in the market that brings all of these benefits in one: GMO free, gluten free, sugar free, vegan and all natural with zero synthetic fillers or additives. We stand on the promise that vitamins should be pure and have proven that nature’s purest elements are the path to great health.

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