Honest Herbs: Genuine Natural Products for What Ails You
by Phuong Nguyen, President and CEO of Revivify
I recently came across this article in The Washington Post citing several major retailers that carried herbal supplements that do not contain the herbs their products advertise on the label. As an owner and CEO of an herbal, all natural supplement company, this blatant deceit not only disappoints me but reminds me why I got into this business in the first place. Not only is it frustrating to see other businesses making false claims about the products, whether it’s about their performance or what they contain, it can also be very dangerous. For instance, some of the samples tested in the article contained common allergens without identifying them on the bottle. It’s unfortunate and the issue is two-fold. One is that supplements are not considered pharmaceutical drugs so they are not as strictly regulated by the FDA. The second issue is consumer education. There are all-natural products out there, but it can be hard work to find them and can take a lot of research on the part of the consumer. If you value your health and well-being, the work is worth the trouble of course, but companies that sell 100 percent all natural supplements with accurate labeling need to step to the fore. Which is what we are trying to do on our website, our blog and on our packaging.
Another recent issue that’s coming to a head is the Hydroxy cut settlement – you’ve probably heard about this on the news or on TV. The Hydroxy cut settlement is a result of allegedly false and misleading statements on the labeling and advertisements regarding its effectiveness. It just points to yet another miscommunication and overstatements of product effectiveness, all at the expense of the consumer.
There are a lot of products in the market place that use one or two ingredients that are not known and doesn’t have any data to support its impact but they still make audacious claims of its results. When the consumer uses the product and sees no result then these types of settlements come into play. At the end of the day, it’s all about GREED. These people wants to make a quick buck and hype the products and take advantage of people who are looking for an easy fix.
We sell several products that help with a variety of issues, be it sleep, digestion, joint pain or weight loss. But all our products are 100 percent GMO free, are manufactured without wheat and gluten containing ingredients, made with all plant based ingredients, no artificial dyes, coloring or artificial sweetener.
What’s more, our expert nutritionists have been with us every step of the way to ensure our products are blended perfectly to optimize your health. We believe in making products the way nature intended – clean and in their purest form. This is why we don’t add anything to our vitamins. Our all-natural products are made with no synthetic fillers and are shown to increase absorption in your body, meaning you’ll start to see results quicker than ever before.
At Revivify, we pride in ourselves in our quality products that use multiple ingredients (ultraformulation) that has clinical data supporting a specific function. We focus on clean ingredients and all transparency. We want to educate consumers that these products are supplements, meaning in addition to and not replacements. Our supplements are intended to help support your health needs and give you the boost you need for a healthier lifestyle.
About Revivify
We traveled the world to find the cleanest, unmodified ingredients and developed a truly natural line of vitamins and supplements. Revivify is the only supplement in the market that brings all of these benefits in one: GMO free, gluten free, sugar free, vegan and all natural with zero synthetic fillers or additives. We stand on the promise that vitamins should be pure and have proven that nature’s purest elements are the path to great health.